2014. november 16., vasárnap

Furnishing in the Festetics Palace

In the Festetics Palace most of the furnitures has their own story. When Pál Festetics III was elevated to the dignity of count by Maria Theresia he enriched the furnishings. He ordered chairs, a good example is an armchair with glided tapestry and also services.

 At the time of György Festetics game rooms were constructed and he ordered a billiard table from Vienna, furthermore, furnishing were also made to the gun room. When Tasziló II took over the estate there were several changes in furnishing due to his marriage to Lady Mary Douglas Hamilton.

Tasziló II

Lady Mary Douglas Hamilton

 According to articles, she arrived in Keszthely with a trainload of furnishings from Western European countries. As for the restorations, the stucco work, fireplace surroundings, lighting, doors were newly planned in neo-Baroque, neo-Rococo and neo-Renaissance style. 

There are numerous paintings depicting the members of royal families.

 An extremely nice place of the palace is the grand staircase with oak panelling, where can be found some portrays of the members of the Festetics family. 

Sources: Ferenc Batári, Dr. Károly Sági: Festetics Castle
                Sági Károly, Péczely Piroska, Koppány Tibor: Keszthely(1962)

2014. november 12., szerda

The Jesuit Church in Esztergom

The ground plan of the church follows the style of the Il Gesu baroque church in Rome. It consists of one nave and it is a significant piece of the Hungarian baroque architecture. 

We can see two towers on the main facade.

 At the top in the middle of the facade stands the statue of Ignatius of Loyola which has been damaged over the years. Below the main entrance there is a huge window.

 The previous altar painting depicted the transfiguration of Ignatius of Loyola which was the work of Martino Altomonte. The painting of the side altar was painted by Antal Werle. 
The old organ was constructed in 1770.

The interior compared to the original one has a puritan character.

Sources: http://www.templom.hu/phpwcms/index.php?id=14,385,0,0,1,0

2014. november 10., hétfő

The history of the Jesuit church in Esztergom

Jesuits came to Esztergom after the leaving of the Turks in 1683. The constructions lasted for 10 years and they were started in 1728. The towers on the side of the facade were not built due to war purposes at that time.

 The church was sanctified in 1738 to the respect of Ignatius of Loyola

 In 1773 the pope disbanded the Society of Jesus then it became the property of The Order of Saint Paul, later the Benedicts. In 1788 Maria Theresa gave it to the archbishop József Batthány and the church became the temple of local people. 
The church survived two earthquake. During the WWII it was seriously damaged and it was reconstructed in 1958. The painting of the interior was finished in 1980. 

Sources: http://www.templom.hu/phpwcms/index.php?id=14,385,0,0,1,0