2015. január 17., szombat

The summery of the article "Jacopo Sansovino, Giacomo Torelli, and the Theatricality of the Piazetta in Venice" by Eugene J. Johnson

Some students noticed a relationship between the Piazetta in Venice and Renaissance scene designs. The Saint Marc Square functioned also as an auditorium.


Sansovino's library

 Sansovino designed the Library on the square which was also considered appropriate for theatrical situations. Before its constructions began, Sansovino knew that the Piazza was already used for theatrical purposes. There are many paintings which show that the events took place on the Piazza were watched by many people looking out from the windows and balconies. One painting like that is the “Procession of Corpus Domini in Piazza San Marco” by Gentile Bellini. 

Procession of Corpus Domini in Piazza San Marco

With Sansovino’s library, a perfect balance was created between the library and the Doge’s Palace, in other words between the Ducal Palace and the powers of procurators. Sansovino also cleared the Piazetta of market stalls to leave place between the columns for public spectacles. They were also many executions on the square which were followed by spectators standing on the balconies. Finally, the 16th century Venice was a major center also for comedia dell’arte troupes mainly during carnivals. 

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